Logo Cookie Management

The premier Girl Scout cookie management app

  • Syncs between all devices in the troop
  • Easily see how many boxes each girl has in inventory/sold
  • Manage all booth sales in real time
  • Supports both Little Brownie and ABC Bakers
  • Single user options available
  • And much much more...


Sync'd to the Cloud

All your data is sync'd to the cloud so if you change devices (or use multiple devices), the data will always be there.

Everyone Stays In-Sync

Every device for every Girl Scout in your troop automatically stays in sync with every other device. When a TCM transfers cookies to a Girl Scout, it instantly shows up on their device and they can fulfill orders right away.

See Everything

Easily see how many cookies each Girl Scout has sold, has in inventory, or has back ordered.

Automatic Calculations

The app automatically calculates how much each Girl Scout owes based on the number of cookies they've received. It also calculates order totals, booth sales totals, and much more.

Single User Option

Not a TCM or don't want to use the app for the whole troop? Not a problem! The app also has a single user mode so you can track only your Girl Scout(s) inventory and sales.

Supports Transfers

Cookie transfers are as easy as a few taps. Transfer between Girl Scouts, from a Girl Scout to the troop, or even between troops.

Nutritional Information

There's a dedicated screen to see pictures and descriptions of every cookie. Tap on one to see ingredients, allergy information, dietary exchange, and nutritional information.


Several reports are available to see aggregated data either directly in the app or sent to your email for offline viewing in your favorite spreadsheet application.

How it works

The Cookie Management app is extremely powerful but designed to be easy to use. The sections and actions you take in the app mirror the actions you perform in real life. The videos below go over each section and discuss its purpose as well as how to use it.

Click the camera to watch the video

Warehouse Pickups

Where it all starts for Troop accounts

Girl Scout Pickups

Transfer inventory from troop to Girl Scout

Girl Scouts

Managing Girl Scouts

User Accounts

Managing user accounts and permissions

Cookie Orders

Tracking all of your cookie sales

Accepting Payments via Square

How to accept payments via Square

Cookie Details

Details about each cookie & quick orders

Booth Sales

Managing inventory, sales & attendance; auditing


Seeing troop and Girl Scout inventory status

Cookie Transfers

How to transfer cookies in the app


Tracking money owed and paid by each Girl Scout

Troop Management

Making changes to your troop settings


Accessing and viewing reports

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the app cost money?

Yes and no. When you download the app for the first time, you'll have the option of purchasing either a troop or family account. Whichever you purchase will give you access to the app for that season. Any additional user accounts (labeled 'Parents' in the app) that you create will be able to login and access the app for free. Additionally, if you choose not to renew for the following season, you will still have access to all of your data from the season you did purchase.

Why do you charge for each season?

There is a robust infrastructure behind the scenes that support the app and data synchronization between devices. The fees I charge in the app help offset the monthly costs to keep everything running.

What's the difference between troop and familiy accounts?

Troop accounts provide full access to the app. You'll be able to add all members of your troop and create accounts for them. They will be able to download and use the app for free and there is no limit to the number of user accounts you can add. This is the account that troop leaders and TCMs should purchase.

On the other hand, family accounts provide basic access to the app. You'll still be able to add multiple user accounts but will be limited in the number of Girl Scouts you can add. You also will still get the same data synchronization between devices that the troop account gets. If you're a Girl Scout parent who wants to track your inventory, sales, and payments, then this is the account for you.

What devices does the app support?

The is available in both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store and will work on almost every iOS and Android device, both phones and tablets.

How do I add user accounts?

User accounts are called "Parents" in the app and are how you allow parents (and even Girl Scouts) in your troop to log into the app. To create one, you'll first need to log into the app, tap on Girl Scouts and add a Girl Scout. Once the app finishes saving the new Girl Scout, you'll see a section called "Parents" just below the Girl Scout's name fields. Tap the "Add" button next to it and fill out the various fields. The app will automatically send an email to them with instructions on accessing and logging into the app.

How do I keep my parents from accessing other Girl Scouts' data?

When you create an user account, you are tieing it to a specific Girl Scout. If you do not give them Troop Cookie Manager privileges (by checking the corresponding box when creating their account), then they will not be able to change any other Girl Scouts' data or see sensitive information such as how much they owe and have paid. They will still be able to see how many cookies the other Girl Scouts have in inventory and have sold.

If you do not want them seeing any inventory data for other Girl Scouts, then you'll need to go to the home screen, tap the hamburger icon in the top green bar, tap "Manage Troop" and check the box "Hide Inventory From Non-TCMs".

More questions?

Get in touch

Story behind the app

My wife has been a Girl Scout troop leader and cookie mom for a long time. For years, I watched the TCMs in the troop struggle with keeping track of who has what cookies, how much each Girl Scout owes, how many cookies are in inventory, etc. They tried using paper trails, spreadsheets, and whatever else they could to help them, but their numbers would still not match up. There were times that they spent multiple days trying to reconcile everything at the end of the season. I could see how frustrating it was for everyone.

After seeing this happen over and over, I told her I could make an app that would do all of this for them. Her eyes lit up and she said, "really?!" And so began development of the Cookie Management app. Having a wife who is a seasoned troop leader and cookie mom helped immensely in structuring the app in a way that makes sense and matches the day-to-day activities the troop and Girl Scouts go through during cookie season. Each year her troop has used it they have had very little, if any, issues reconciling the numbers at the end of the season. They love it and I think you will to!

Michael Berman


What do people think?

Great App and Great Customer Support. Totally worth the money. Moms can track their own orders and swap boxes between themselves. Everything gets updated back to cookie manager. Signatures, booths, counsel orders... everything you can think of! Cookie managers pay for the app then setup user id/password for each mom so only one fee. I love being able to call or text moms via buttons inside app. Michael was super responsive with all of my questions. Moms absolutely love it. Must-have for cookie managers!

Frank Henkel Dec 24, 2016

I can’t get over this app!! As a first year troop and wide-eyed troop leader with an ambitious Girl Scout, I thought I was going to drown in papers and spreadsheets! You’ve saved my cookie year! My co-leader is amazing!!! She found this app and invited me to use it. Seriously, wow! Love love love!!!

Cmo6 Feb 4, 2018

I do not buy apps, but after struggling with cookie season and balancing booths and things not balancing, I decided to try this app. It’s AMAZING. My full troop hasn’t completely converted but as the TCM this has been my life saver at cookie booth inventory tracking.

Lilacshadow Apr 7, 2024

Love this app for my 2 troops! My larger troop has 30 girls and 4 leaders. It is so wonderful to be able to keep everything updated in one place. It is especially helpful for inventory. We also like having the signatures on the phone so there are less points of contact for the covid cautious parents in the troop!

Flora Akmese Feb 6, 2022

Love the app, my whole troop is using it!! Easy to manage cookies and helps with ordering!

Becca Topper Feb 4, 2017

Contact Us

Have a question? Not understanding how to do something in the app? Want us to add a certain feature? We'd love to hear from you! Fill out the contact form below or reach out to us on Facebook and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.